Monday, July 09, 2007


So our children's friends have all started having pets, and training them, and sending out cute email pictures of them doing cute things. Our youngest son received a 'unique' pet, and he aptly named him 'Plant'. He has put a lot of effort into training plant, and couldn't leave Plant alone all July 4th week. Sooooooooooo Plant came to stay with us. Plant enjoyed brushing fronds with some of our 'older' and more mature plants, but did maintain a respectful relationship through out the whole week (at least when we were awake and watching). But the time came for all to return to their homes and jobs, but what?????? Plant's owner left in such a hurry, Plant was forgotten.....Nooooooooooo not forgotten, as the picture shows; here comes the owner in his jeep -hurrying to rescue Plant and carry him home.

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