Saturday, May 26, 2007

Our First 5 K

So two friends decided to do their first
5 K. We got to put on 'chips' and get
timed, run just as the rain was ending,
and celebrate finishing!! We definitely
didn't go for speed, but we never stopped
running; past the beach, up hills, through
Duncan's Woods and then home. It truly
was the "Kick Off to Summer" experience
we hoped for. Now to a bonfire and
brats on the beach.

Friday, May 25, 2007

A Day of Adventure

Yesterday we had an incredible day of fun, bonding and experiences. After working this year to 'pass' every class, our group celebrated our achievements. It was sad we left 15 students behind, but that is one of the lessons learned, and, hopefully, not to give up: ever. Thumbs up? Joy, Crazy? Not something I could ever do, but I loved watching them drop from the sky and swing out ove the lake. They absolutely looked like they were flying.
The day was perfect: 80 degrees, sunny and a good steady breeze. No crowds, no lines. And at the end, Zach finally did a roller coaster; thanks to Brian and Bill. I can't believe the year is ending.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


What a night!! past, present, and future rebels gathered to celebrate 150 years of our school district.
I'll let the pictures speak, ........listen,

Monday, May 21, 2007


So we spent the last week celebrating spring; watching a soaring eagle while canoeing, watching thousands of bikes during the annual blessing of the bikes in Baldwin, and watching student after student join the ranks of 'honor' for our school. Where else can we have so much to be thankful for, all in less than 1 week. Winter slows me down, but spring, the sunshine, and fresh air bring energy!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Oh my GOSH

I can't believe I haven't posted since September! I had to create a Google account - times are evolving!
I have been taking all kinds of pictures, but they're not available on this computer!
Friends, I will post again! A very hectic year - my oldest son got engaged last fall and planned and got married by Dec 2!
Life is on a roll - a constant celebration!