Monday, May 29, 2006

When I started this blog, it was to prove the point that I am not totally 'out of it' although technologically challenged at times. But now I find it might be a way to keep those I love connected, and perhaps sharing a bit of their lives with each other. One son and daughter-in law live across the States, another son and his 'special someone' live 8 miles away, and yet the last son is traveling in Europe far from his family and his 'special someone". So if I can figure out how to upload photos, for them to view, maybe they will recognize the love, caring and repsect they all seem to have for each other.


LS said...

Hi and wow you're blogging!! Illuminate, like your chair!! I like it!

Check out the pictures on my site of the boys this past weekend. I'll probably see you before you read this as it is already 10:30pm and we are off to work at 6:40am!

aaron & annie said...

Awe Joyce that's sweet! hey, check out my amazing blog site! haha :)